F minor scale has four flat notes and consists of F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, and Eb. F Minor scale has a relative major called A flat major. The parallel major of the F minor scale is called F major.
- F and G are on the white keys.
- Ab and Bb are on Black keys.
- C is again on the white key.
- Db and Eb are on the black keys and
- F again on white.
The F Minor Scale Chords
The chords of the F minor scale start with the notes of the scale and have 7 variations starting with the scale notes.
- The first chord is a triplet of F, Ab, and C.
- The second chord is a triplet of G on white and Bb and Db on black.
- The third minor chord is a triplet of A-flat, C, and E flat. A flat is on a black key, C is on white, and E flat is again a black key.
- The fourth minor chord is Bb, Db and F pressed together. The first two are black keys and F is white.
- F minor chord is given by the triplet C, E-flat and G played at the same time. C is a white key, Eb is a black key, and G note is played using a white key again.
- F minor chord 6 is D flat on black, F on white key, and A flat again on black.
- The F flat seventh minor chord is played by playing Eb, g, and Bb together. Eb is a black key, G is a white key and again Bb is a black key.
The intervals of the F minor scale
- The first note of the F minor scale is the Tonic F.
- The second note of the scale is G which is a major.
- The third minor note is given the name Ab as it is one subtone below A
- Bb is one subtone below B and it is a perfect note.
- The perfect note fifth is C.
- The sixth note is again a minor which is D flat.
- The seventh note is the minor 7th note is an E flat note.
- The last note is F perfect, just an octave above the Tonic F note.
The Degrees of the F Minor Scale
The Degrees of the Scale F minor in piano follows the degree rules as the first note is always the Tonic note F.
- The second note of the F minor scale piano is the Supertonic note. The degree here has a prefix on the word ‘tonic’ because it is one semitone above the Tonic note F. The note is G.
- The next note is A flat which by convention is a mediant by degree. There is a submediant at the sixth position which is called Db.
- The Dominant degree is at fifth position and the note is C.
- The subdominant is one semitone below the dominant which is Bb.
- The second last position in the F minor scale is given by Eflat which has a degree of subtonic as it is one semitone below the same tonic note of F just an octave above.
Playing the F MInor Scale on Piano
Playing the F minor on Piano needs some specifications particular to the fingers used of each hand.
- For playing with the Left hand, the formula of fingers used is 54321321.
- In the formula, the numbers, 5432 and 1 are given as names to the fingers as pinky, ring finger, middle finger, index, and thumb.
- The notes played by the fingers pinky, ring finger, middle finger, index, and thumb of the left hand are F, G, A flat, B flat, and C respectively.
- The notes played by the middle finger, index, and thumb are D flat, B flat, and F of the upper octave respectively.
- The rule for fingering by the right hand is 12341234.
- F, G, A-flat, and B flat are played by thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger respectively.
- Again, the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger of the right hand are used to play the C, D flat, B flat, and F.
Emotional Tone of the F Minor Scale
The F minor has a personality of melancholy. The notes lead to a gloomy texture of the F minor scale. Due to the Gloomy nature of the notes of this scale, the F minor scale notes lead to chords that are gloomy and leads to songs that are based on sorrow and melancholy. The f minor scales are not for merry-making vibes. They cannot be used to form a light-hearted song.
In modern Music as well the F minor chords are used in hard rock and there is no place of soft and sweet melody. This is somehow a frustrating set of notes that can be used to compose songs of that sort.
Songs that sound depressed and morbid and even sometimes express a valueless and meaninglessness in life are picked beautifully from the chords of the F minor.